Monday, February 27, 2012

Assignment 4...

... really?  I feel like I have been doing this school thing FOREVER, but somehow, I am on #4.  Holy Moly.  And I am pretty well stuck, because for this assignment, I have to draft my next four classes.  I have to select readings, and plan out my next FOUR classes!  I am at a loss.  Really, I do best when people tell me what to do... Although, if you asked my husband (or my parents) about that statement, they would strongly disagree.  They would probably say, "um, hello? Have you MET HER?  She DOES NOT do well with people telling her what to do!" Maybe the university knows me better than I realize...

Truly though, I really do not know what to write.  Luckily, it is a draft, or a mere "exercise" in what course designing is.  Despite all of that, it has brought my progress to a screeching halt.  I'm sure that within a day or two, I will be back in full swing, but presently, I am in a state of absolute confusion.  I guess that is a "welcome-to-the-strange-and-perplexing-world-that-is-being-a-doctoral-student."  Initiation, phase two, perhaps?  I bet there are many, many phases...

In any case, I'll keep swimming along.  Otherwise the university will need to throw me a raft... and at this stage in the game, I think it is wise not to ask just yet...

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