Thursday, January 19, 2012

Assignment 1

Sweet mother of Mary, people... yes, a doctoral program ups the ante in the rigor department, incase anyone was unsure.  Nothing I didn't really already know.  But I assumed (and we ALL know what happens when we assume) that by doing my careful, oh-so-careful readings, taking notes, highlighting, reading again, consulting my friend Webster, noting textual complexities, and yes, reading again, that the rest would be cake.

BAH!  I just proceeded to "finish up" assignment one, from the hours of 11 p.m. till 2 a.m.  Thanks to the ADD, I think really clearly, and write really well in the middle of the night. I discovered this strange clarity of middle-of-the-night writing when I was getting my Master's.  

And please, don't think I am complaining about teensy assignment one of the next six to ten years of my life. No complaints, just a real wake up call.  I am learning that working a little every day, or every other day, will be a saving grace in this process.

So I sent the assignment in, wanting so badly to preface it, with, "ohmygoshisthiswhatyouwantedbecauseholycowIamtotallyflippingoutrightnow."  But that lacks a certain sense of professionalism, and overall intelligence.  So, I left it out.

Step 2? Because I know you are just dying to know... a NINETY MINUTE TELEPHONE CONVERSATION on these readings...  I'll let ya know how that goes.  And I'll be glad to have one under my belt so that I'll know what to expect in discussions to come. 

Alas, in two hours and fifty minutes, my alarm will be going off.  I will not be nearly as witty and fun as I am right now.  Especially since I gave up my dear friend caffeinated coffee in exchange for Ritalin... but that's for another post... Goodnight:)

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